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Wednesday 10 June 2015


Cameron Britain Or Israel?

Britain Or Israel?

For those spiritual and those not, the words of the Bible contain common sense and truth. Take for instance the simple words of advice that “No man can serve two masters - for he will love one and despise the other.”
Just how then can the British Prime Minister vow to serve both Britain and Israel? Could it now be that David Cameron’s blatant and accelerating dismantling of the British nation, its Constitution, defence, values, morality, history and customs is a sign that he has come to despise the British?

For those who are sensitive about mention of Israel, it is worth emphasising that this article is not about the rights or wrongs of Israel as a nation or its people - our interest and attention is directed to David Cameron, Britain as a Sovereign nation and the Conservative Party. In particular we believe that the British public are entitled to know and understand what their Prime Minister is doing - especially where National loyalty, conflict of interest and treason are concerned.
Starring on the front page of Conservative Friends of Israel (CFI) website, British Prime Minister David Cameron’s boyish face is partly hidden in shadows and flanked by Israeli flags - it’s a powerful and emotive media image. But aimed at whom?
The headline is equally robust and more telling - Prime Minister David Cameron: “In me, you have a Prime Minister whose belief in Israel is indestructible.”
This is an interesting statement and of major significance to the British people, whatever their background, colour, race or creed. Searching high and low for media and press reports, nowhere does Cameron make such an overwhelming statement of  commitment to Britain. So what is Cameron up to and should we, the British, be concerned?
Read More at the UK column website